buy Ron Swanson Tote Bag

Ron Swanson Tote Bag

Parks And Recreation Ron Swanson Tote Bag

Ron Swanson would love to go shopping with you and that is why there now is this Parks and Recreation Ron Swanson tote bag.

The tote bag is light in color and on it, you can see a black silhouette style portrait of Ron and it is clear that it is him especially if you watched Park and Recreation.

The Parks and Recreation tote bag comes in 3 sizes 13, 16, and 18 inches and is square and all have a 1-inch wide comfy carry strap.

Now you can say no to paper or plastic because Ron Swanson is ready to hold your shopping for you and besides shopping the bag can hold all kind of cool stuff so that you can use the bag all day long.

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