buy New Girl 5 Piece Coaster Set

New Girl 5 Piece Coaster Set

New Girl 5 Piece Cast Coaster Set

If watching New Girl makes stains on your table then getting this New Girl coaster set will solve that.

The coaster set has 5 coasters and all of them are different. Each coaster has a yellow background and the words “New Girl” and then one cast member so there is one for Jess, Cece, Nick, Winston and Schmidt.

So not only will you prevent stains from forming on your table you will also have fun coasters based on this fun TV show.

The coasters are great fun to have and they show all the main characters so what else do you want?

Come and get your own New Girl 5 Piece Cast Coaster Set.

buy New Girl Red Bunny iPhone Case

New Girl Red Bunny iPhone Case

Jess from New Girl has a fun style and so even her iPhone has a case that you will not see often in the wild.

But now you can have a red bunny case just like Jess has.

You can now make your iPhone look like a red bunny and yes of course it comes with a fluffy tail.
And you can easily take the tail of so that you don’t always have to take it around with your. The red bunny tail also work as a stand for your iPhone so now this red case became even more fun.

And just like Jesses case this red iPhone case has bunny ears sticking up making it so much more fun.

When you get this New Girl iPhone case they even give you a free screen protector so that you phone is more fun and protected.

Read More About The New Girl Red Bunny iPhone Case

buy New Girl Jess Day Lifesize Cutout

New Girl Jess Day Lifesize Cutout

New Girl Jess Day Lifesize Cutout

There is Jess the girl from New Girl that has all those crazzy things happening.

And now you can have Jess Day in your life everyday.
OK maybe not in flesh and blood but this carboard cutout of Jess looks amazingly real.

It is 68″ high and that means that you can have an almost lifesize Zooey Deschanel.

Jess will be dressing up your parties and just be her silent self while mingeling your parties or just standing in a corner of a room.

New Girls fans should have a closer look at this New Girl Jess Day Carboard Cutout.
